This week...
Baby Bell 2 is... the size of an avocado - approximately 3.5 ounces and 4.5 inches. Thanks to tiny bones forming in baby's ears, our little one has started listening to our voices. Baby is also growing hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows, as well as forming taste buds!
My bump is... feeling much bigger this time around! They always say that your bump "pops" a little sooner the second time around, and that is definitely true for me! I have already moved my maternity clothes into my closet. Let the frustrations with getting dressed begin!
I have been feeling... fairly least for the past week. The first 15 weeks of this pregnancy were pretty miserable. I thought I had terrible morning sickness with Adalee, but I feel like it was much worse this time around. Plus, already having a little one in the family makes lounging around when you are feeling sick pretty difficult. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who has been a great help with getting Adalee ready for school in the mornings and helping in the evenings!
I have been craving... milk! I swear I am drinking at least 2 gallons a week. As far as food goes, I am not craving anything specific, but I have a serious aversion to eggs and certain smells right now. The smell of seafood, as well as Adalee's dirty diapers, causes some serious nausea.
Our favorite thing has been... sharing the exciting news with our family and friends, as well as teaching Adalee the word baby. She received a baby doll for her birthday, and we have had a lot of fun talking to her about babies and how to be a good big sister! Also, we felt the baby's first movements this past week. I thought I was feeling some flutters about a week ago, but then, as I was going to bed on Christmas, I felt a few faint kicks. Michael could even feel it too, which is so exciting for both of us!
We are looking forward to... actually having some time to think and talk about the new baby. I was taking a doctoral class this past semester, and I feel like between work, and school, and taking care of Adalee, I feel like I have hardly had any time to start thinking about this baby. But that is all going to change now that the semester is over! We have our next doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat again! At our last appointment, baby's heartbeat was a solid 167 beats per minute. With the high heartbeat, doctor thinks that we may have another girl on the way...we shall see in late January!
I have been feeling... fairly least for the past week. The first 15 weeks of this pregnancy were pretty miserable. I thought I had terrible morning sickness with Adalee, but I feel like it was much worse this time around. Plus, already having a little one in the family makes lounging around when you are feeling sick pretty difficult. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who has been a great help with getting Adalee ready for school in the mornings and helping in the evenings!
I have been craving... milk! I swear I am drinking at least 2 gallons a week. As far as food goes, I am not craving anything specific, but I have a serious aversion to eggs and certain smells right now. The smell of seafood, as well as Adalee's dirty diapers, causes some serious nausea.
Our favorite thing has been... sharing the exciting news with our family and friends, as well as teaching Adalee the word baby. She received a baby doll for her birthday, and we have had a lot of fun talking to her about babies and how to be a good big sister! Also, we felt the baby's first movements this past week. I thought I was feeling some flutters about a week ago, but then, as I was going to bed on Christmas, I felt a few faint kicks. Michael could even feel it too, which is so exciting for both of us!
We are looking forward to... actually having some time to think and talk about the new baby. I was taking a doctoral class this past semester, and I feel like between work, and school, and taking care of Adalee, I feel like I have hardly had any time to start thinking about this baby. But that is all going to change now that the semester is over! We have our next doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat again! At our last appointment, baby's heartbeat was a solid 167 beats per minute. With the high heartbeat, doctor thinks that we may have another girl on the way...we shall see in late January!
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