Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Adalee Rose: 1 Year

Miss Adalee on the morning of her 1st Birthday!

So of course, I am a horrible Mom and did not take the final round of photos with Adalee's 12 Month stickers. Major fail on my part. By hey, life goes on...I am sure Adalee will forgive me...someday... :)

At Miss Adalee's 12 Month check-up with the pediatrician she weighed in at 22 pounds, 9 ounces (85th percentile) and measured 29 inches long (50th percentile). She is just a growing girl! She can still fit into a few of her 12 month outfits, but she has mostly transitioned to 18 month sleepers and clothes. Also, she is just starting to wear size 5 diapers. Miss Adalee now has 4 teeth - top two middle and bottom two middle. At her pediatrician appointment, they noticed a significant spike in her head circumference growth. While this sometimes indicates a developmental concern, Adalee isn't exhibiting any other signs that she has a development concern. Mostly likely it means that she is like her mom, and is going to have a larger than average size head... she has to have room for her large brain! :) (Update: At our follow up appointment three weeks later, Adalee's head growth curve had normalized - all is well!) 

Miss Adalee now almost solely on table food. We continue to give her baby cereal most mornings with breakfast as a source of iron, but otherwise, she is pretty much eating what we eat. She has been drinking three bottles of formula a day (usually 6 ounces or so each), as well as whole milk and water  from her sippy cup. However, we are starting the transition off formula soon, as well as the transition off the bottle. Hopefully this goes well! Otherwise, Adalee continues to be a great, and animated eater! She usually insists on feeding herself with her hands, and has little patience for being spoon-fed by mom or dad.

No real update here - still a rockstar sleeper! Doesn't really fight bed time. Puts herself to sleep by sucking her thumb and sleeps around 11 hours a night (7:30pm-6:30am). Can't ask for any more than that. The challenge will come when we try to wean her off the thumb sucking - but I am not thinking about that now...

Miss Adalee has become super active and playful! She loves to walk along the couch in the living room. She has even gotten brave a few times and tried to crawl up the stairs - she doesn't get very far, but it is the effort that counts! She is able to stand on her own, but only if she is distracted and doesn't realize that she is standing by herself. Once she realizes that she isn't holding on to anything, she slowly squats to the ground. She loves playing with her toys, especially her dancing robot and piano. She loves to shake her head and "dance" along with the music! She loves to look at the pictures in books, but losing patience when Mommy and Daddy are reading too slow - she wants to turn the pages really fast!

Stills says "mama" as her most recognizable word. The rest is a lot of babble. She understands her name when we say it, as well as the word "no" - but usually she just laughs at us if we say "no" to her. Super helpful! :)

She loves to blow kisses when it is time to say bye bye - it melts her heart to watch her blow a kiss before going to bed at night!

She hasn't quite started to pull herself up on furniture yet, but she is close!

Here are some photos and videos from the past month:

Enjoying the lovely November weather!

Thumbs up for selfie time with Daddy!


Daddy was out of town for work for a few days in November. Here is the "good night" video we sent him:

And here are a few pictures of Miss Adalee eating her birthday cake on her actual birthday...

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