Thursday, December 31, 2015

Random December Photos

Mommy and Daddy had a date night on Friday
and Miss Adalee was being watched by our
friends. Just to be difficult on her babysitters,
Adalee decided to drink her bottle in her car
and then fell asleep there too!

Miss Adalee figured out how to pull down
her baby monitor!

Miss Adalee's last ride in her infant car seat -
cue the tears from Mommy!

She loves her cozy coupe!

Super happy! Playing at school!

Yogurt face! That hair though... :)

Monday, December 28, 2015

Baby Bell 2: 16 Weeks

This week...

Baby Bell 2 is... the size of an avocado - approximately 3.5 ounces and 4.5 inches. Thanks to tiny bones forming in baby's ears, our little one has started listening to our voices. Baby is also growing hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows, as well as forming taste buds!

My bump is... feeling much bigger this time around! They always say that your bump "pops" a little sooner the second time around, and that is definitely true for me! I have already moved my maternity clothes into my closet. Let the frustrations with getting dressed begin!

I have been feeling... fairly least for the past week. The first 15 weeks of this pregnancy were pretty miserable. I thought I had terrible morning sickness with Adalee, but I feel like it was much worse this time around. Plus, already having a little one in the family makes lounging around when you are feeling sick pretty difficult. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who has been a great help with getting Adalee ready for school in the mornings and helping in the evenings! 

I have been craving... milk! I swear I am drinking at least 2 gallons a week. As far as food goes, I am not craving anything specific, but I have a serious aversion to eggs and certain smells right now. The smell of seafood, as well as Adalee's dirty diapers, causes some serious nausea.

Our favorite thing has been... sharing the exciting news with our family and friends, as well as teaching Adalee the word baby. She received a baby doll for her birthday, and we have had a lot of fun talking to her about babies and how to be a good big sister! Also, we felt the baby's first movements this past week. I thought I was feeling some flutters about a week ago, but then, as I was going to bed on Christmas, I felt a few faint kicks. Michael could even feel it too, which is so exciting for both of us!

We are looking forward to... actually having some time to think and talk about the new baby. I was taking a doctoral class this past semester, and I feel like between work, and school, and taking care of Adalee, I feel like I have hardly had any time to start thinking about this baby. But that is all going to change now that the semester is over! We have our next doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon and I can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat again! At our last appointment, baby's heartbeat was a solid 167 beats per minute. With the high heartbeat, doctor thinks that we may have another girl on the way...we shall see in late January!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Bell...Party of Four...'s official...the Bells are becoming a family of four in June 2016...and we couldn't be happier about it! Here's the story thus far...

Michael and I had always talked about having our kids fairly close together in age. My younger sister and I are only 15 months apart, and while that caused some challenges growing up (i.e. competitiveness), I definitely appreciate how close we are now - and that is something that I want for my kids. Plus, we are already in the newborn/infant/toddler routine with Adalee...might as well power through...right?!?

Once I stopped breastfeeding Adalee last July, we knew it would take some time for my cycle to restart, then we would be able to begin trying to get pregnant again. It end up taking a few months for my cycle to finally comeback, and once it did, it was all over the place - I couldn't even keep track of it! However, something must have worked out right, because we found out we were pregnant with Baby Bell 2 on Sunday, October 4th. It was a bit of a shock, mostly because I had convinced myself that I was not pregnant. I had previously gotten two negative tests on September 26th (2 days late) and September 29th (5 days late). However, I was leaving to go to Las Vegas that morning for a work conference, so I thought what the heck, I will just take one more test to confirm that I am not pregnant...but sure enough...two pink lines!

I remember being in the bathroom and shouting downstairs to Michael, who was playing in the living room with Adalee. I just kept saying "oh my god...oh my actually happened...oh my god..." It was such a great morning and I couldn't stop smiling (still can't stop smiling actually...). We told Adalee she was going to be a big sister, and while I am sure she had no clue what we were talking about, she just gave us the biggest smile! It was a little bittersweet though, because about an hour after we found out, I had to leave to head to the airport - cutting our celebration a bit short. But we did have time for a quick family selfie... :)

The whole family is excited!

Miss Adalee can't wait to be a

The first couple weeks of the pregnancy were a little rough. After I got back from Las Vegas, we had plans to head to Manhattan the following weekend to visit my parents, as well as see my sister who was driving in from Colorado. As we were getting ready to leave Kansas City that Friday afternoon (October 9th), I ended up having some bleeding. Of course, I immediately panicked and began thinking the worst, but Michael eventually got me to calm down and call the doctor. We ended up heading to the doctor's office for a sonogram, just to check on the baby and make sure everything was okay.

At this point, Michael and I thought we were about six weeks along, but the sonographer measured the baby closer to five weeks. Our first sonogram with Adalee wasn't until we were almost 14 weeks along, and the difference was incredible. This baby was just a little hole on the screen. You could hardly see him/her, but she was able to find a faint heartbeat, which was great to hear so early on. Ultimately, while the sonographer did see some bleeding around the sac holding the baby, she was hopeful that it would resolve and heal itself, as long as I took it easy and rested. We scheduled a follow up for two weeks later (October 23rd), and by then almost all of the bleeding had resolved. At this second appointment, the sonographer also confirmed our due date of June 13th! It was such a relief for both Michael and I to hear the heartbeat again and know that everything was okay...what a scary way to start a pregnancy!

First Sonogram - Almost 5 Weeks

Second Sonogram - Almost 7 Weeks

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas from the Bells!

This year, we spent the Christmas holiday in Manhattan with my family. Christmas Eve was spent with my Dad's side of the family at our house, and then we spent Christmas morning with my parents and sister, and Christmas evening with my Mom's side of the family at my grandparents home. It was a crazy busy couple of days, but so much fun to have so much family time! 

Waiting for everyone to arrive to Christmas Eve dinner!

At first she was a little shy around
everyone, but she warmed up soon!

Playing with her buddy Kenley!

Wishing she could play pool too!

All ready for church on Christmas morning!

Adalee decided she was ready to get out of her dress when
we tried to do grandparent photos...maybe next year?

We got elf family pajamas!

Adalee's new frozen car from Aunt Jess!

She got so many great presents,
but was pretty content just playing
with this small box. :)

Bath time in Grandma and Grandpa's big tub! :)

Playing with Great-Grandma on Christmas night!

Four generations :)

Miss Adalee says "Yay for Christmas!"

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Miss Adalee gets Roseola...

We are so fortunate that Miss Adalee has been so healthy. After a rough first week in the NICU, we really haven't had much trouble with sickness in her first year. A few coughs and runny noses here and there, but nothing to be worried about. But a little over a week past her first birthday, Miss Adalee came down with her first true sickness - the roseola virus. On December 11th, Miss Adalee woke up in the middle of the night with a really high fever. The fever continued for multiple days, and then on the fourth day she broke out in a red splotchy rash. Despite not feeling well, Miss Adalee was a trooper. While I hated that she wasn't feeling good, I loved all of the extra snuggles and cuddles!

Visiting the doctor to get checked out!

Reading our Disney books

During our second visit to the doctor,
Miss Adalee got to meet Santa! At first she
was a little anxious, but she was intrigued
by his sleigh bells :)

Didn't want to sleep anywhere that was on or by Mom.

Mommy started getting tired too.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Family Photos at Union Station

For Adalee's 12 month professional photos, we decided to go with the "Christmas" theme and take her photos at Union Station. It was decorated beautifully - perfect for Christmas photos - but I forgot to consider how easily Miss Adalee can be distracted by other people. She is such a people watcher! Despite her lack of focus, we were able to get some good photos of her and of our family! Still can't believe our little girl is a year old and we will be celebrating our second Christmas with her in a few weeks!

My sweet girl.

Blowing kisses with Mommy!

Notice Adalee's bow and Mommy's necklace went
 missing...We were definitely nearing the end of
Adalee's "picture patience" :)