Adalee started attending her new school this week - the MacKids Academy! When we found out that Burns and McDonnell was adding a daycare facility in their new building, we were super excited! Not only is it a brand new facility, but it is also STEM education-based. The "nerd" side of both Michael and I loves that Adalee will have some early exposure to math, science, etc! Plus, now Michael can just take Adalee (and eventually the new baby) to work with him and bring them home when he leaves - no need for an extra stop! The only days it will not be ideal is when he is traveling and I have to drive the girls all the way to Burns and McDonnell before heading to Lawrence, but I think the benefits of this place far outweigh the extra time spent driving when Michael is out of town.
Miss Adalee was actually supposed to start on Tuesday, May 31st, but due to being sick over Memorial Weekend and the first part of the week, she had her first actual day on Thursday, June 2nd. The first drop off went as one would expect - complete meltdown - not wanting to let go of Mommy's legs. But her teachers emailed us a little while later and said that within 10 or so minutes, Adalee was already smiling and having fun with new friends. I am sure the first week or two will be rough with the drop offs, but after that she will get settled in. Fingers crossed!
Here are some pictures from Adalee on her first day at her new school...
Miss Adalee in the dramatic play area of her classroom! |
Eating her second breakfast for the day :) |
Michael realized that when he looks out the window of his office floor, her playground area is right below. So he can spy when she is outside! |
Walking around the playground - looking for sand and mulch... :) |
Found the sandbox with a friend! |
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