Thursday, May 5, 2016

Baby Bell 2: 28, 30, 32, and 34 Weeks - Yikes!

Oh man... do I feel like a failure or what... It has been FOREVER since I have done an update on Baby Bell 2. And while I managed to get photos at 30, 32, and 34 weeks, I completely forgot/ran out of time for the 28 week photo. Life has just gotten super busy...I guess that is what happens...

So let's get caught up...

Baby Bell 2 is... the size of a butternut squash! Wow that sounds big - and weird! Since my last update EIGHT weeks ago, she has grown from the size of a head of lettuce, to an eggplant, to a zucchini, to a squash, and now to a butternut squash. And I have just become keenly aware of how weird it is to measure the size of your baby by food. Anyways...her hearing is starting to develop, which means she hears all of those loud and loving screeches from Adalee; she hears all the songs that Mommy sings in the car driving Adalee to and from daycare; as well as all the stories that we read to Adalee in the evenings! She is going to be one smart cookie! With less than two months to go, baby is between 17.2 and 18.7 inches long and is weighing in between 4.2 and 5.8 pounds. Over the next 6 weeks, she is going to continue to put on the pounds for Mommy and Daddy! Grow baby, grow!

My bump is... big...just big. That is the only way I know how to describe it. I constantly find myself a little off balance and bumping into walls when trying to turn a corner to quickly. I find myself always resting my hands on my belly and rubbing my stomach when she is moving. The bump has been very useful for holding things, including laundry while folding and dessert while lounging after dinner. I am still carrying baby a little high, which is causing some acid reflux issues - never fun. But I am also not really wanting her to drop down further - I already have to go to bathroom too frequently! Adalee has started to notice that there is something going on with Mommy's belly. She likes to lift my shirt to look for my belly button. I try to explain that her little sister is growing in there, but lets be honest - she is 17 months old. She is smart, but...

I have been feeling... so good! Overall, I feel like this pregnancy has been a breeze (knock on wood). Of course there have been the challenges with heartburn, the trouble sleeping, and the on-set of Braxton Hicks contractions recently, but keeping everything in perspective, we have had a great pregnancy with this little one. Days are getting a little long, making me want to go to sleep pretty early. And Michael has been a great help running around after Adalee when my energy gets a little low. He is such a great Daddy.

I have been craving... random things over the past few weeks. Cookies, particularly different types of Oreos, have been a consistent favorite. Snickers ice cream bars - heavenly! I have gotten cravings for comfort food - like chicken fried steak, pot roast, meatloaf, etc., as well as lots of mexican favorites!

Our favorite thing has been... oh so many things...

At 32 Weeks, we had our 3D sonogram. I wasn't sure if we were going to do a 3D picture this time around, but we had so many sonograms with Adalee due to the placenta complications, that I just had to see this little girl another time - twice is just not enough! She had lots of fun faces for us - smiley, pouting, and laughing! She liked to keep her hands up near her face - just like Adalee did! Everything looked great with baby - right on track for her June 13th due date!

I have also been in major nesting mode. I made a big to-do list of everything I wanted to get done with regard to the new baby and I am almost done with the list! We have moved most of Adalee's things into her new big girl room. While she still sleeps in the crib in the nursery, we have really started trying to get her to think of the other room as "her" room. We have all of Adalee's old clothes pulled out, washed, and put into the nursery again. We are almost done making some decor/color changes to the nursery - just to make it feel "new" for the baby - pictures to come soon! We have most of the baby gear /supplies out and put together and ready for use! Just a few more to-do items to go and we are going to be ready for this one's arrival!

We are looking forward to... seeing our maternity photos, which we took this past weekend! These will be our last photos as a family of three, which is super special. We are also really looking forward to all the things we have going on in May, including a few visits to Manhattan, my birthday weekend,  Mothers Day, and a visit from Michael's brother's family to KC over Memorial weekend! It is going to be a great month, and boy will it go fast! June is going to be here before we know it!

Some photo out-takes...Adalee wanted to make an appearance...She is totally camera shy... (insert sarcasm)

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