This week...
Baby Bell 2 is... the size of a papaya! Weighing anywhere from 12.7 to 20.8 ounces, and measuring 10.5-11.8 inches, baby continues to grow, grow, grow! Hence, the shortness of breath that I have been experiencing every once in a while - she is starting to invade my space! Baby's eyes and lips are becoming more developed, and she is starting to have recognizable sleep cycles, where I can tell when she is awake and when she is asleep!
My bump is... getting bigger, but not too big yet! My belly button has pushed out - you can now see it through my shirt. The bump has become bigger, to the point where I catch myself resting my hand on top of my belly. We have just started to see her movements from the outside, which means she is getting stronger, and I feel her movements more often. At first I had been worried about how little I felt her movements, but after we had the sonogram, the doctor let us know that my placenta is actually along the inside of my belly - so when she kicks forward, she is actually kicking the placenta - which is why I may feel less movement or less strength behind her movements. So that was good to know!
I have been feeling... for the most part - fairly good - with the exception of the past few days. Last Friday, I came down with one of the horrible viruses going around right now. I have never felt sicker in my life. Literally throwing up every 15-20 minutes for 8 hours straight. Once we hit the 8 hour mark, our doctor became concerned with dehydration and I went to the Birth Center to have everything checked and to get some fluids and nausea medicine. The fluids were helpful, but I was basically a mess for three days straight - quarantined in our bedroom and not able to do much more than rest and sleep. Finally the following Tuesday, I began feeling better and started to eat normally again. It is times like these that I really dislike winter and all the sickness that gets spread around! Now, we are just hoping that Michael and Miss Adalee don't catch anything from Mama!
I have been craving... nothing really right now - except red gatorade - but that probably has more to do with the virus and sickness than with the actual pregnancy! :)
Our favorite thing has been... obviously the sonogram was the highlight of the past two weeks! Getting to see our baby girl and see how much she has grown was the absolute best! Also, now that we have started planning Adalee's big girl room, we have also started thinking about how we are going to change things up in the nursery for baby. I am playing around with some colors and themes, but haven't gotten anything decided yet. The color palette will definitely include navy - no way are we painting those walls again! :)
We are looking forward to... hopefully choosing a name soon?!?!? Or maybe that is just wishful thinking on my end. We chose Miss Adalee's name super early on in the pregnancy, and I loved being able to call her "Adalee". The first time around, Michael and I just had a really easy time agreeing on the name - and that was that. This time around, it is a little different. We are not quite on the same page. At this point, we don't even have one name we agree on. Welp, we have 18 more weeks to get it figured out!