Again, no pediatrician appointment this month, but if I had to guess, I would say that Miss Adalee weighs around 22 pounds and is 28.5 inches. Still in size four diapers and 12 month clothing. But the most exciting news is that she has her first tooth - one of her bottom middles! Michael first noticed it on Sunday, October 25th - about a week before she turned 11 months. Her first few teeth came in very quickly - she now has three, two on bottom and one coming in on top! She didn't seem to have too much trouble with this first round of teeth - a little fussiness, but no fever or major pains! Thank goodness!
Miss Adalee has started eating table food at daycare, and is almost solely on table food while at home, except for the nights when we eat something that is really difficult for Adalee to eat - then she is stuck with baby food. There isn't much that Adalee will not eat, but she sure does not like her green vegetables - I guess she is like her mom in that way! :) While still primarily on formula to drink - usually 3-4 times a day - we have started giving her whole milk from her sippy cup. At first she was a little confused by the new taste, but now it is just normal.
Nothing new here. Adalee is still a great sleeper. Still sleeping from around 7:30pm until 6:30am. She has started moving a little more while she is sleeping - almost a flailing-like motion - but it doesn't seem to wake her up. She is such a smiley and happy girl when she wakes up in the morning - probably because she gets so much good sleep!
Miss Adalee understands what a "book" is, which is really fun because reading time is mommy's favorite! She loves to play with blocks - we stack them up and then she knocks the tower down. She likes to play hide and seek - it has become one of her favorite games. She has figured out how to look underneath the furniture to see if we are on the other side, and laughs so hard when we jump out from behind a corner! Miss Adalee has learned to point with her index finger - and while I am not sure that it is always intentional, I can't help but laugh when she shakes her pointer finger at me.
I realized that I haven't been giving updates on the communication front for Miss Adalee - probably because it is so hard to determine when she is actually saying a word or just making noise. Adalee is super chatty, especially in the mornings, but it is mostly just babble talk. She gets out a lot of one syllables - "ma", "ba", and "hi" are her go to words. We are fairly confident that she knows to call me "ma-ma", but still no go on "da-da" or "daddy".
In other big news, Miss Adalee has started walking behind her walker. The first time she walked behind her walker was on Saturday night, October 24th. Adalee's cousins were over for a family dinner, so of course she wanted to show off. We didn't get a video that night, but we were able to catch one the next morning...
Here are some more photos from the past month...
"Daddy let me wear my pajama top to school!" |
Hanging out with my buddy Kenley at the K-State game! |
And for a final dose of cuteness... Miss Adalee blowing raspberries on Mommy's leg...
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