This week...
Baby Bell is the size of a... honeydew melon! She should still be measuring around 18 inches long and should weigh approximately five and a half pounds - but of course, we really have no idea what size she will end up being. Even measurements from the doctor can be off base by 1-2 pounds! We are just hopeful that she continues to pack on lots of squishy fat in her final weeks!
My bump is... feeling ginormous, like always. However, when November 18th rolled around this week and I saw my note that it was one month until our due date, I realized that I am probably going to miss "the bump" a little bit. There will probably never be another time that I will have Miss Adalee this close to me all day and all night long, so I am going to try to savor the final weeks of this belly!
I have been feeling... accomplished! We have been getting lots of things done in preparation for Adalee's arrival. Her nursery is just waiting on some final decorative items that are being shipped. Her clothes are all washed and organized in her closet. We have finished our childbirth and breast feeding classes. We have slowly been getting other areas of the house organized and clean. And we have even managed to have a few date nights and dinners with friends! With just a few more things left to do, I am feeling at least logistically prepared for Adalee's arrival - even if I am not quite mentally prepared for it!
Here is a photo from our final Child Birth class, where Michael had to wear the empathy belly...
I have been craving... milk - too much milk! Michael and I have been going through over 2 gallons of milk a week, and at least 80 percent of the milk intake is from me! Hopefully this means that Adalee is growing some strong bones!
Our favorite thing has been... the wonderful Baby Shower hosted by my friends Alyssa and Gina in Kansas City! The shower was held at a beautiful dessert and pastry shop on the Plaza called Natasha's Mulberry & Mott! It was a great way to celebrate Adalee's upcoming arrival with some of my closest friends! I truly feel so blessed that Adalee will be surrounded by so many people that love her.
We are looking forward to... the Thanksgiving holiday and decorating for Christmas next weekend! We are going to enjoy the final weeks of "nesting" before Miss Adalee's arrival, but we really can't wait to have her here with us!
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