Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Baby Bell's 28 Week Sonogram

On Monday, we had our 28 Week Sonogram followup. Most expecting parents do not have a sonogram at 28 weeks, but due to the concerns with my low-lying placenta, we were fortunate to be able to see our little girl for the third time - and let me tell you, there is nothing more exciting!

She has grown so much since we last saw her at 20 weeks! Her whole body used to fit on the sonogram screen, and now we can just see parts of her at a time. Everything looked great, including a solid heartbeat of 148 beats per minute. We did learn something new about Baby Bell - apparently she is going to be born with a head full of hair. The sonographer was actually surprised by how much hair she already had! I was bald until I was over a year old, so Michael is completely responsible for this characteristic! At least we will not have to tape bows to her head! :) Here are a couple more photos of our little girl...

Profile of Baby Bell - Apparently she likes to keep
her feet near her face!

Closeup of Baby Bell's face - So dramatic,
with her hand resting on her forehead!

After we spent some time watching Baby Bell on the screen, the sonographer actually had to start looking for my placenta - which was the entire purpose of the visit. Unfortunately, she did not have good news for us. After lots of prodding and searching, the sonographer determined that my placenta was actually closer to my cervix than they had originally estimated - essentially right on the edge. The hope was that as my uterus grew over the last eight weeks, the placenta would subsequently move higher in the uterus, but that has not happened. While there is still a chance the placenta could move, Michael and I are now working on coming to terms with the fact that Baby Bell will likely be delivered by caesarean section. We will obviously do what is in the best interest of the baby, but I hadn't realized until that moment how much I wanted to have a vaginal birth.

We have been rescheduled to do a Level 2 Perinatal Sonogram at 32 Weeks. So until then, we will just be waiting to see what happens!

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