Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial Weekend at the Lake

We spent Memorial Day Weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks with my family! It was a relaxing weekend, and we really enjoyed getting to spend time with my family. We spent a lot of time just hanging out together, with some boat rides and golfing mixed in! Here are some photos...

Taking a nap on the deck!

First time getting into her life jacket...

And suprise, suprise...she is not a fan!

First Boat Ride!

She "liked" the first boat ride so much,
that she gave it another chance!

All the ladies!

Riding around the golf course with Grandma!

Miss Adalee's first time walking
on to a golf course!

Feeling that squishy green grass
between her toes!

Well aren't we just a golfing family!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Amy's 28th Birthday

I think 28 is going to be my best year yet! :)

Miss Adalee was giving my lots of smiles
for my birthday in the morning!

Celebrating as a family! Daddy was super nice to get
birthday decorations and party hats!

The flower that Adalee painted for me at school!

Daddy wrote a card "from" Miss Adalee - it was super cute!

Some Royals swag from Daddy
and some Starbucks from Adalee - so perfect!

That weekend, I also celebrate my birthday
with friends at the Royals game! I feel so lucky
to have these ladies in my life!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My 1st Mothers Day Weekend!

Michael, Adalee and I had a wonderful "first" Mothers Day!

The weekend started out with some much needed sleep-in time for Mommy on Saturday. That morning, we also spent some time reading to Miss Adalee in bed. We love weekend snuggles in bed, but Adalee can only handle it for so long. After 30 minutes or so, she wants to be up and moving around...One day, when she is a teenager, I am sure she will want sleep in as well!

Reading with Daddy

Later that morning, we decided to venture out of the house. I went to get a relaxing pedicure with Michael's mom and sister, while Adalee and Daddy ran errands. Then that afternoon, we went to the KC Zoo with Michael's parents and his sister's family. And guess what?!? Miss Adalee actually woke up to see some animals this time!

Miss Adalee meeting the penguins.

Watching the penguins swim!

She was very intrigued, until one of the penguins started
walking towards her too quickly. Then she got a little scared
and started to cry.

Hanging out at the Sea Lion show!

So tired after a long day at the zoo. We were
about to give her a bath, when she decided to
take a little nap instead...

On Sunday, we went to church and had brunch aftewards at Michael's parents home. We then spent Mother's Day evening at home, and Mommy got lots of snuggle time! All in all, it was a wonderful weekend with family - wouldn't have had it any other way - with the exception of maybe seeing my mom, who I missed greatly!

All ready for church on Mother's Day! I am
not sure why she looks so sad...

Brunch at Nana and Bop Bops after church!

One of Miss Adalee's Mother's Day gifts.
She painted this vase at daycare, and the
teachers printed photos for all the moms!

Adalee's other Mother's Day gift.
Daddy helped her make her handprints!

Love this little so much!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sporting KC Game!

This past weekend, our family of three went to Miss Adalee's first Sporting KC game with our friends, Alyssa and Johnny! While I was initially a little worried about the noise, Adalee did so well at the game - despite the multiple rounds of fireworks! She didn't even seem to mind wearing her earmuffs. There was a little stretch in the middle of the game when our little lady got tired, but after rocking with Dad for a few minutes, Miss Adalee fell right asleep. Overall, I would call the day a success - Bring on K-State football season!

Waiting in line to get into the game.

Intently watching the players.

And out. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Adalee Rose: 5 Months

No pediatrician appointment this month, so Michael and I made some guesses on Adalee's stats for this month. I think she weighs around 16 pounds and measures approximately 26 inches. Michael guessed 18 pounds and 25 inches, however, I think his judgement on her weight is skewed because he is the one carrying her around in the heavy infant car seat! We recently got a convertible car seat for this very reason!

What we both know is that Miss Adalee is a growing lady - she seems to get bigger every day - literally every day. Michael and I love to look back on the pictures we have taken on our phones and it is really incredible how much she has already changed. Miss Adalee has made the shift to size 2 diapers, but is still in her 6 month clothing. However, the sleepers are starting to look a little small, but I just can't bring myself to buy 9 month sleepers for my 5 month old. Time is going by too fast!

Miss Adalee is on the same eating "schedule" as she was at three and four months. I say "schedule", because we have never actually set a schedule for Adalee - she has formed this on her own by eating when she is hungry. Worked out pretty well for us! She typically nurses once in the morning when she wakes up, usually around 6:00am. She then takes three 5 ounce bottles during the day - approximately every three hours (9:00am, 12:00pm, and 3:00pm). When we get home from work/childcare, she nurses on demand throughout the evening, until bed time at 7:30pm.

In addition to milk, Miss Adalee started eating cereal on April 8th - a few days after she turned four months old! She started on two tablespoons of rice cereal (mixed with breast milk) twice a day, then two weeks later switched to oatmeal cereal for two weeks!

In the beginning, Adalee loved eating her cereal, but as time went by, the "newness" wore off. She becomes impatient if there is not a constant flow of cereal into her mouth. She also seems to miss "sucking" while eating cereal, because she frequently pauses eating in order to suck her thumb. When she is full, she simply allows the food to fall out of her mouth. Too say she is a messy eater is an understatement - we go through a lot of bibs and Miss Adalee gets lots of baths, as well as many sink spray downs after her meals!

Miss Adalee is still consistently sleeping through the night! She still goes down between 7:15pm and 8:00pm, and then sleeps through the night until 5:30am-6:30am. Still taking 3-5 cat naps during the day that last around 30 minutes. She still likes to suck her thumb for comfort, and to help herself fall asleep at night. She has become quite the mover when sleeping at night - moving from one end of her crib to the other, or spinning herself in a circle, or flipping her body from side to side. It is always fun to watch her on the monitor and see what crazy position she wakes up in.

Miss Adalee still loves to "talk" to Mom and Dad - most of the time it is "scream talking" with some squeals intermixed. She loves sticking out her tongue, especially when Mommy and Daddy stick theirs out too! She still loves to stand here, there, and everywhere. We are trying to help her practice sitting, but after a few seconds, she extends her legs and tries to stand or lay flat. Miss Adalee has finally started grabbing and playing with toys! If you place something in front of her, she will reach to the center of her body to grab it. She will hang on to her toys with her hands, and likes to put her toys (and her hands!) in her mouth. In addition, Miss Adalee loves doing "tricks" with mommy and daddy - her favorite is flying like superman!

Adalee has also developed a fascination with the television. The bright lights and moving images really capture her attention. While we don't allow her to watch too much television, it is a nice distraction while mom and dad get a chance to eat dinner at the same time. Current TV favorites are sports and Dancing with the Stars!

Here are some milestone moments this past month:
  • Miss Adalee rolled over from back to tummy for the first time on April 21st! For the weeks leading up to her roll, Adalee had been turning from side to side, and she was getting so frustrated that she could not get all the way flipped over! Now that she has figured out how to roll, it is hard to stop her from moving! 
Here are some of our favorite photos from April...

Adalee and Daddy in their Royals gear
for Opening Day!

Just hanging out on Mommy and Daddy's bed!

This smile...Melts my heart!

Decked out in her golf gear for
Day 2 of The Masters

Miss Adalee loved her Baby FootJoys
from Grandma and Grandpa Schultz!

That tongue though... :)